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State of America

Capital - 8/11/2019

State of America

In all my 70 some years, I have never felt as sad and depressed about the state of our nation as I do now.

Violence, name-calling, extremism on both sides, lack of respect for others, racism, rise of white nationalism, proliferation of weapons, increase in mental illness with lack of treatment options - the list goes on and on.

I never thought I would see the day other nations would warn their people about visiting our country due to gun violence.

What happened to three equal branches of government? That's gone by the wayside (thank you Mitch McConnell) along with consensus and compromise, listening to different points of view. What we have left is government by executive order.

What happened to a balanced media? That seems to have gone by the wayside, also. Certain commentators are even acknowledged as advisers to the president.

Recent comments by Fox's Tucker Carlson claiming America's white supremacy is a hoax and Sean Hannity proposing more guns as the solution for the country's epidemic of mass shootings are particularly frightening.

It certainly reinforces the notion that one should read and view a variety of sources for information before making decisions who to believe.

To our elected and appointed officials, I would recommend they read the poem "Myself" by Edgar A. Guest. The last 2 lines of the poem sum it up:

"Whatever happens, I want to be

Self-respecting and conscience free."

Just ignoring bad behavior so one can get reelected is not a good answer.


Editor's Note: Edie Segree is a longtime leader of the of the Almost 7:30 Friday Democratic Breakfast Club.

Route 450 flooding

There has not been enough attention to the fiasco that is locally known as Route 450, Defense Highway. There is an area on 450, between Crofton and Crownsville, that has been flooded, every day, for a year now.

Since last September, and according to information maintained by the FIX 450 Facebook group (950 members), the road has been closed 58 days because of this condition. This is only going to get worse with the upcoming rainy season.

The State Highway Administration has been asked, multiple times, by members of this group and our local Maryland legislators, what is to be done. The SHA maintains that little can be done in the short term, and that, any remedy must take into account rights of way, including the large power lines located in the area.

This seems like an excessive and unnecessary remedy. We are not talking about rerouting the Mississippi here! The easiest solution, and one SHA is resisting, is to simply build a bridge over the affected area.

Two small bridges are already working on nearby flood areas, located closer to St. Stephens and Rutland Roads. Stop making excuses and just fix it!


Trump and violence

You have stooped to a new low for allowing Matt Davies cartoon showing President Donald Trump holding up immigrants as a target for white supremacists in the paper (The Capital, Aug. 7). This is pure racist, the kind of thing that's causing the derisiveness across our nation - labeling an entire group of people.

What's wrong with that picture? By printing this cartoon, you are showing your true colors. I was sick to my stomach to open the paper and see this.

Some goofball in Hollywood wanted to make a picture about certain groups of people hunting so-called deplorables; red states vs. blue states, etc. I pray to God that was some kind of sick joke.

This cartoon just feeds into that mindset. Shame on you.

You know what stupidity is? Doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result. That defines the Democratic collective.